Bekasi,Once Again, Put A Title on Its Name
BBC (21/4/09), Be proud Bekasi people! Once again, your beloved city hold a prestigious title. After hold "The Most Comfortable City For Bacteria and Transvestite in blogger-disguise" titles, this megapolitan city add another title : "The First City That Has Karaoke Lounge with Touch Screen Monitors ". BBC Contributors, Roid and Inul has proved it in April 10th 2009.
"we were shocked!It was the most amazing experience that we had! It's like : Oh My God! Am I Dead? Am I in Heaven?It's even more amazing than bartered sweat with Doni Ada Band", said these two virgins in karaoke world. This the-most-genious-invention after-silicon karaoke lounge named Nav Bekasi.
Our contributors also happened to interview the General Manager of this karaoke-lounge chain, Mrs. Nava Gina (Indonesian Read : Navejaina). "Yes, we believe that Bekasi is a potential market for us for its 1 million residents. And to attract Bekasi publics who are well known for their high taste and income, we give them touch screen monitors", said this beautiful lady.
When asked what other inovations that management had, she answered, "We already have plan to change our conventional couch to a toilet-function couch so our consumers dont need to go out of their room to do their business. Nothing will disturb their singing experience even theirself, all they need to do is just touching the "flush" button and "wipe your ass with tissue" button for foreigners or "wipe your ass by robot hand" for locals. People will maybe call it lazy, but we call it Ezy, Extremely lazy, because we love something unordinary"
Yes. it's so unordinary yet amazing, we proved it. People in Bekasi, lets come to this amazing place. If you dont have money just sell your tangible-assets-sticked-to-your-body and have the touch-screen singing experience!
pictures from our contributors :
"Thanks God they have Ridho Roma's song with
original clip. All These modern stuffs would be useless
if they dont" our contibutors said
original clip. All These modern stuffs would be useless
if they dont" our contibutors said
Inul, one of our contributor, loves his ancestor so much.
thats why he sang campur sari song. We think Inul
could be the next Waljinah or Didi Kenyot.
thats why he sang campur sari song. We think Inul
could be the next Waljinah or Didi Kenyot.
Yes. He choose to be next Waljinah.
Note :
BBC stands for Baru Belajar english Course. It is established in 10th April 2009. Its owner has no english background but only accept student with degree in english literature from reputable university. Its tag line is :
BBC stands for Baru Belajar english Course. It is established in 10th April 2009. Its owner has no english background but only accept student with degree in english literature from reputable university. Its tag line is :
BBC, the place where you can be smarter than your teacher
mocking your teacher, teaching your teacher,calling your teacher stupid to release your stress are in its syllabus.
10 komentar:
Kayak pernah tau tempatnya.
Hmm....apa baca artikel dahlan iskan kemarin y?
Tetep begatel dah ma karokian nya...bekasi, u rock.
C to the U, U to the R, A to the N and G
bekasi is my hometown too...
dan lu udah merawanin NAV bekasi tanpa gW?????
is that what you referred as BFF ??
(best friends forever)
*snapping fingers
gw juga udah coba NAV kelapa gading (yang bukan depan MKG) layarnya juga touchscreen, trus ada sound effectnya, bisa tepuk tangan, booo-ing dll dll
lu pasti belom coba..
sayangnya koleksi lagu di NAV nggak selengkap di inul vista.
terbukti ketika gw mencari lagu Penasaran by Rhoma Irama ga ada tuuuuh....
akhirnya ada juga tempat secanggih itu di bekasi!
ayo, bekasi, lanjutkan!
Re, klo mau merawanin NAV sama gue aja sini..hakhakhakhak.. Roid kamu demen bgt sih karaoke...
Bekasi? Kadipaten manakah itu? Berapa lama dgn mengendarai kuda dari alun2 kota, kisanak?
Mau dunk dikaraoke-in
Have fun deh...g milih lagu pke remote lagi kyk di.....
sesama warga bekasi, gw jadi ikut2an bangga..
gambar 1 dan gambar 2 berbanding terbalik... Nirvana, The Script Vs Ridho....
Id, sumpah gw kaget ngeliat foto lu. Gw pikir lu beneran gendut dan ga menarik. Kikikiki, ternyata lu kurus dan metrosexual gitu ya?
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