Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

What happens to our world?

The title seems global-warmingish or Morality-ish, but this posting is only simply about : what's happening in the world when i didn't update my blog:

1. Our beloved friend, Siska, sedang hamil 7 bulan. Menyenangkan. I never had someone pregnant in my inner circle before. So, it's kinda excited. Oke. My mother was pregnant. But she's just pregnant. God wanted her pregnant, "I want Renaida Hasibuan to be pregnant!" Voila! She was! I'm sure she didnt do sex. Kinda weird to imagine her doing it. Ewwww. But im 100% sure Siska is having sex-sex-sex-sex-pregnancy. Considering her cabul tweets. So i change my statement: I never had someone pregnant in my inner circle before. So, it's kinda excited to have our beloved friend having sex-sex-sex-sex-pregnancy.

I mean everyone love her. Oke, not her to be exact, her baby. So when her baby coming, we will treat her like she was before. No one gonna hold her when she crosses the street again, no one gonna treat her like a fragile-bola-ceramic again. Cih. So it's like gonna be pulling a shiny pearl out of a fat shell. Jiaaaahhh. Kejem-nggak-pake-but banget gw. Becanda,bu. We love you!. Btw, you can look at her wishlist in her blog. Kebanyakan dari wishlishtnya udah dikabulkan sama orang-orang. Cepet banget. See, we love her kan?

Nah, tinggal sisa troller nih. Kalo dia mau stroller prakarya dari karet sendal swallow dan rotan gw beliin deh, tp ini maunya yg bermerk. Jadi, yah..mudah-mudahan Nia Ramadhani yang sedang membaca blog ini sambil ngemil uang, tolong lah daripada di cemil, tu uang receh beliin stroller aja ya buat temen kita ya. Saya doain deh dosa-dosa mertua ananda Nia diampuni 1%. *nggak rela sebelum bencana lumpur diganti rugi* *terharu,terselip kritik sosial di blog ini*

Btw, the princess in her womb would be named Nembang Carita Gautami. Love the name. She's gonna be stand out among arabic-westerns-named childrens. Not those arabic and western names are bad. Semua nama baguslah (kecuali Roid. Cih. Cuma singkatan nama ortu doang. *sungkem sama bokap-nyokap*). But i don't know, Nembang sounds so cutenique to me. Tadinya gw mau usul dikasih nama Roidwati saja kalau cewe. Siska sempat bimbang juga. Antara Roidwati atau Nembang. Dia sempet shalat istigharah, bimbang di antara dua pilihan. Setelah menangis berhari-hari dan tenggelam dalam kesedihan berlarut-larut, akhirnya dengan berat hati dia melepaskan kesempatan si putri cantik dinamai Roidwati.

Oh..how i wish the princess would be the best tembang to our world. Be good in mommy womb ya honey, we love you.

2. Skripsi drives me crazy. And i do shit about it. What will you do when extra urgent things waiting for you to be done?

a. Your ugly-stupid-emotional girlfriend's sick? Go to the doctor. Ask him a shovel. Knock the shovel hard on her head. Burry the grave.

b. Your pregnant wife has her Leader-without-a-and-tire (ketuban) explode? Drive car like crazy. Or read How-To-Be-Bidan-In-6-seconds book if u don't have cars

c. A maniac sexy wife waiting on bed? Say basmallah and jump to the bed.

d. A skripsi with its deadline less than a month, and u even haven't done it 50% finished? Read timelines....yawning....scratching your crotch..waiting the notification of new timeline appear..yawning...do not appear...reload...yawning....

See? the first 3 options are coherent each other. Dan gw yang di opsi "d". Nggak nyambung. Lord..please send me a devilish devil (what did i just type?moronic moron!) that whip me hard everytime i'm being lazy. Hiks...nothing motivates me to do the skripshit.

3. Matahari tetap terbit dari timur, bulan tetap bersinar, bintang-bintang tetap bertaburan, gadis-gadis tetap datang bulan.

Ah,the world keeps turning without this blog. Ya sudahlah. Cukup begitu saja updetan kali ini. Btw, Selamat puasa teman-teman.Doain ada updatean beneran dari gw ya. Ini berarti gw udah nggak stress. Ini berarti lu combo doa buat gw: doain skripsi lancar, doain lulus, doain anak gw lahir dengan selamat. Advanced Pray gapapa lah ya. Pembaca yang wanita, lihat perut kalian masing-masing...di situ...nanti...ada calon anak Roid lho *pembaca wanita pusing-pusing* *batal puasa* *nggak tahan menenggak air putih dari kendi agar cepat-cepat bisa membaca jampi-jampi tolak bala*